Sunday, February 19, 2012

Kobe Bryant to Vanessa: "I PROMISE TO NEVER CHEAT AGAIN!"


Kobe Bryant is making a full court press to save his marriage ... and has sworn up and down to Vanessa he will never stray again if she takes him back.

Sources connected with the couple tell TMZ ... Kobe has "aggressively" pursued Vanessa over the last three weeks, and she's been receptive. We're told Vanessa tends to believe Kobe, but still isn't sure the marriage can be resurrected.

And then there's the subject of lavish gifts. We're told Kobe has given Vanessa a very expensive piece of jewelry. We don't know the price, nor do we know how it compares to the $4 million ring she scored after Kobe's infamous dalliance a few years back.

As for whether they will drop the divorce, we're told they are working on a reconciliation. Several sources very familiar with the couple told us at the time Vanessa filed legal docs not to be surprised if the papers are withdrawn ... because they both really love each other.

I don't want to be Debbie Downer...but um....this is the same thing he said and did the last time he got caught.  Time will tell...


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